Thursday, 5 January 2012


Our carefree attitude and love for a bargain has made us unable to cut down our spending on clothing during the recession, according to world-leading market intelligence provider Mintel.

Can you resist a bargain?
Mintel compiled a detailed report stating that rather than stopping spending during this difficult period we have not changed our shopping habits at all.

The company states that young people in particular drive the sales because of their love for fashion.

Another factor is our need to buy in special offer periods and our inability to resist a bargain.

However, the people of Canterbury generally disagree with Mintel's conclusion.

Most people stated that whilst they still shop on occasion, they spend a lot less than they previously would have and they are a lot more cautious with what they spend their money on.

Here's what some of them had to say...


Emma said...

I agree with the people interviewed I am 20 and yes I do love fashion BUT I cant afford to shop all the time.

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